RETNA, originally known as Marquis Lewis, has gained prominence for his monumental canvases adorned with intricate, cryptic scripts reminiscent of an enigmatic lexicon. Drawing from diverse cultural sources, the artist's designs find inspiration in Egyptian hieroglyphics, Arabic and Hebrew calligraphy, Gothic blackletter, and the vibrant world of graffiti. RETNA's artistic journey commenced in the realm of graffiti during his upbringing in Los Angeles, serving as the foundation for his remarkable career. His work has transcended geographical boundaries, being showcased in prestigious exhibitions in major metropolises such as New York, Los Angeles, and London. Notably, his creations consistently fetch five-figure sums on the secondary art market, underscoring his significant influence. Beyond the realm of fine art, RETNA has ventured into collaborations with renowned brands, including Louis Vuitton, Nike, and Chanel. His creative prowess also extended to the music industry, where he crafted an album cover for the pop sensation Justin Bieber. Additionally, he contributed his design skills to stage sets for productions of Verdi's "Aida" at both the Washington National Opera and San Francisco Opera, showcasing his versatility and artistic reach.