Mark Sloper, also known as Illuminati Neon, is a British artist from St. Ives renowned for his distinctive mixed media and neon art. He skillfully incorporates vintage flags, distressed materials, and hand-painted text to bring song lyrics and iconic phrases to life. Based in West London, Illuminati Neon pays tribute to the Punk Rock genre through his artwork, blending his punk roots with a deep passion for rock music and pop culture. His large-scale neon pieces have gained significant acclaim and are held in the private collections of high-profile celebrities worldwide, including Sir Elton John, Sting, and Boy George. One of Illuminati Neon's most celebrated series features Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. In 2019, this punk-rock portrait series, which depicts the Queen with a tattoo of the Royal Crest, blue hair, and a diamond nose ring, was officially approved by the Queen herself, solidifying its iconic status.