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Devin B. Johnson

, b. 1992

Devin B. Johnson is an artist whose expressive paintings encompass the dynamic interplay of memory and movement, infusing a contemporary essence into the traditional medium of oil painting. Johnson's creative process draws inspiration from personal experiences and the urban landscapes he encounters, utilizing digital collages as a means of composition. With a willingness to embrace unforeseen accidents and errors, these collages are then transferred onto canvas. The resulting artworks reside at the intersection of representation and abstraction, offering glimpses into what Johnson describes as the intangible essence of Blackness. Having earned an MFA from Pratt Institute, Johnson's artistic endeavors have encompassed significant milestones, including his participation in the inaugural edition of Kehinde Wiley's Black Rock Senegal residency. Recognized for his exceptional talent, Johnson's works have found their place in esteemed collections such as the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Hammer Museum, the Rubell Museum, and many more. While his paintings are his primary focus, Johnson's creative range extends into sculpture, sound, and installation, reflecting his diverse artistic explorations.